Usage: nvmesh volume-security-group show [OPTIONS]

  Show VSGs.

  --output-format options:

  tabular - Render a table using characters like dashes and vertical bars to
  emulate borders, may overflow and wrap the output if the lines exceed the
  terminal width.

  rows - Render tabular data with one column per line (allowing columns with
  line breaks).

  json - Format output as DB JSON.

  Usage example:

  Skip the first 20 VSGs, limit the results to 5 VSGs and present it in a
  tabular format:

  $ nvmesh volume-security-group show --output-format tabular --skip 20
  --limit 5

  -s, --skip INTEGER              Specifies the number of entities to skip
                                  when fetching the result.
  -l, --limit INTEGER RANGE       Specifies how many entities to fetch after
                                  the skip, the maximum value is: 50.
  --output-format [tabular|rows|json]
                                  The representation in which the data will be
                                  displayed. Options: tabular ,rows, json.
  -n, --name TEXT                 Show a specific VSG by name. NOTE: This
                                  option is mutually exclusive with the
                                  follwoing options: `skip`, `limit`.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


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