Action Command
Login az login
Verify login az account list --refresh
Optional: choose a different account az account set -s <id>
Create a resource group az group create --name <resourceGroupName> --location <region>
Optional: install kubectl sudo az aks install-cli
Create the AKS cluster az aks create --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <clusterName> --node-count <node-count> --generate-ssh-keys
Update local credentials for the newly created cluster az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --name <clusterName>
Verify AKS cluster creation kubectl get nodes
Create a proximity placement group az ppg create -n <ppgName> -g <resourceGroupName> -l <region> -t standard
Check node availability by zone az vm list-skus -l eastus2 --zone --size "Standard_L48s_v2"
Deploy a node pool for Targets az aks nodepool add --resource-group myResourceGroup --cluster-name myAKSCluster --name <nodepool name> --node-vm-size Standard_L48s_v2 --node-count <node-count> --ppg <myPPGResourceID> --labels"""""" --zones <zone-id>
Import YAMLs with NVMesh 2.5 operator secrets
Install and access the NVMesh 2.5 operator git clone
cd openshift-operator
Deploy the NVMesh 2.5 operator kubectl apply -f deploy/
Verify the operator deployment kubectl get pods
Deploy NVMesh 2.5 pods kubectl apply -f deploy/samples/nvmesh/nvmesh_v1_AKS_tcp.yaml
Verify the pods deployment kubectl get pods --watch or watch -d kubectl get pods -o wide
Generate an NVMesh 2.5 volume kubectl apply -f <volume.yaml>
List PVCs kubectl get pvcs
List PVs kubectl get pvs
Performance Tuning kubectl edit configmap nvmesh-core-config – edit the configuration
kubectl delete ds nvmesh-client nvmesh-target nvmesh-mcs-agent – apply the configuration


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