Usage: nvmesh vpg create [OPTIONS]

  Create VPG.

  Usage example, create a VPG named 'r1_vpg' whose type is Mirrored RAID-1
  and has a capacity of 1TB:

  $ nvmesh vpg create -n r1_vpg --raid-level 1 -c 1T

  -n, --name TEXT                 The name of the volume. The name must be
                                  unique, as it will become the ID of the
                                  volume.  [required]
  -rl, --raid-level [lvm|ec|0|1|10]
                                  The RAID level of the volume. Options: lvm =
                                  Concatenated, ec = Erasure Coding, 0 =
                                  Striped RAID-0, 1 = Mirrored RAID-1, 10 =
                                  Striped & Mirrored RAID-10.  [required]
  -c, --capacity TEXT             The capacity of the allocated volume in
                                  bytes. Minimal volume capacity is 1GB.The
                                  number of bytes may be followed by the
                                  following multiplicative suffixes: K/KB
                                  =1000, KiB =1024, M/MB =1000^2, MiB =1024^2,
                                  G/GB =1000^3, GiB =1024^3, T/TB =1000^4, TiB
                                  =1024^4, , PiB =1024^5. All the units are
                                  case insensitive.
  -d, --description TEXT          Description of the volume.
  --domain TEXT                   Domain to use.
  -dc, --drive-class TEXT         Limit volume allocation to specific drive
  -tc, --target-class TEXT        Limit volume allocation to specific target
  --stripe-width INTEGER          Number of disks to use. Required if RAID
                                  Level is 0 or 10.
  --data-blocks INTEGER RANGE     Number of disks to use. Required if RAID
                                  Level is ec.
  --parity-blocks INTEGER RANGE   Number of disks to use. Required if RAID
                                  Level is ec.
  --protection-level, --target-node-redundancy [full|minimal|ignore]
                                  Protection level to use. Required if RAID
                                  Level is ec. Options: full = Full Separation
                                  (N+2 Target redundancy), minimal = Minimal
                                  Separation (N+1 Target Redundancy), ignore =
                                  Ignore Separation (No Target Redundancy).
                                  Optional if the RAID Level is 1 or 10.
                                  Options: full = Full Separation (1+1 Target
                                  Node Separation) - default, ignore = Ignore
                                  Separation (No Target Redundency).
  --enable-crc-check BOOLEAN      Enables CRC check of the volume.
  -vsg, --volume-security-group TEXT
                                  The name of the associated volume security
                                  group. NOTE: This option can be used
                                  multiple times, e.g. -vsg <value> -vsg
                                  <value>. It can also be used once with
                                  multiple values separated with the ','
                                  character, e.g. -vsg <value>,<value>,<value>
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


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